Tales of the Cocktail -- Welcome to the Den!
Here's a multiple choice question -- if you're reading this it means you:
(a) met me and/or my supersmart and lovely wife
(b) saw a Society of Unrepentant Drinkers shirt
(c) found a business card for the Wulf Cocktail Den
while you were
(d) at the Tales of the Cocktail conference
(e) on the streets of, or in a bar in, the great city of New Orleans
(f) in a holding cell (just kidding ...... right?)
I'm honored that you decided to come into the Wulf Cocktail Den. The Den evolves along with my interest in the wonderful world of cocktails. I post about various cocktails, cocktail related topics, and even some of my original creations. You can click on the categories or archives on the right if you don't know where to start. You might see some recurring themes that do not appear as a category, e.g. my passion for the James Bond franchise and my visceral hatred of Maraschino cherries.
So raise a glass of your favorite cocktail, and welcome to the Wulf Cocktail Den!