A New All American Drink -- The E Pluribus Unum
Latin for "out of many one," e pluribus unum is the original national motto of the United States of America. These unfortunately politically polarizing times give me a reason to create a new cocktail honoring our democratic republic. The E Pluribus Unum is my liquid hope of cherishing and preserving what unites us.
2 ounces bourbon
.75 ounces Grand Marnier
.25 ounces Luxardo maraschino liqueur
2 dashes chocolate bitters
1 dash aromatic or Angostura bitters
Combine in a mixing glass with ice, stir with harmonious blending (as opposed to the violent agitation of shaking; I deliberately wanted a stirred drink here), and strain into a chilled glass. Luxardo or amarena cherry garnish optional.
Bourbon is legally an American spirit, so it is a natural base for the E Pluribus Unum. Grand Marnier honors France's role in the creation of the United States. You can use other triple secs such as Cointreau, a key component of the Hawaiian Room, but Grand Marnier does a better job of uniting (see what I did there?) everything. Why is Luxardo maraschino liqueur in the mix? Because it adds a hint of nutty sweetness to the E Pluribus Unum, and its Italian roots pay homage to the Latin phrase. Chocolate bitters put a nice touch on the drink, and they are easy to find online. Angostura or aromatic bitters are everywhere. Unlike other drinks with the same name that seem way too sweet, my E Pluribus Unum is just sweet enough and is definitely strong enough to represent the United States.
Do you want to be a liquid patriot? Then have a E Pluribus Unum.