Tales Of Ballin' (And Branding) On A Budget
Are you rich beyond your wildest dreams? Having many Millionaires doesn't count. If you're like me and most people, you have to do what you can with a limited budget. This was the focus of a seminar titled "Ballin' On A Budget" that Ms. Cocktail Den and I attended at Tales on Tour in Edinburgh. Led by Iain McPherson, the man behind the bars for Scottish Bears and Owls, the panel included Sullivan Doh, Mia Johansson, Vasilis Kyritsis and Boudewijn Mesritz, all of whom are successful bar owners in Europe.
Like the seminar that was the focus of Tales of Grain and Suggestion, the panelists covered a number of topics geared towards people in the bar industry (I never have been in it). However, one topic resonated with me because of its broad applicability. McPherson spoke about the importance of branding. His advice -- your branding should consist of two understandable sentences. Think of it as a corporate elevator pitch. The branding doesn't have to be fancy or high tech (either of which can bust your budget). What counts is being clear and concise. Interviewers generally know within the first 30 seconds of an interview whether or not they like the person they're interviewing. The same goes for businesses, whether they are bars or not, trying to attract customers.
Want an example? Here's one -- the Wulf Cocktail Den has fun and inspires people through the world of tasty libations. If you want to enhance your cocktail experiences, you're at home in the Den. Cheers!