The Magnificent Seven Of Cocktails
The Magnificent Seven (the original starring Yul Brynner and Steve McQueen; I haven't seen the remake with Denzel Washington and Chris Pratt) is my favorite Western movie. Everyone who loves movies should know about this film. Carrie Allan, a cocktail columnist for the Washington Post, just wrote a great article about the 7 essential cocktails every drinker should know how to make. Carrie is smart and hilarious, and my wife and I had the pleasure of meeting her at the Tales of the Cocktail conference in 2016. She surveyed a number of acquaintances (full disclosure -- I participated in the survey) about classic cocktails before distilling (pun intended) the responses.
So what are these Magnificent Seven cocktails? The Martini, Manhattan, Negroni, Old-Fashioned, Daiquiri, Margarita, and Gin and Tonic. In addition, the article has links to related cocktails, e.g. the Sazerac and Hemingway Daiquiri.
All of these drinks are classics for good reason. That doesn't mean you have to like all of them. But if you're not familiar with some of them, try them. You might be in for a pleasant surprise.
To paraphrase Steve McQueen's character in The Magnificent Seven -- we deal in cocktails friend.