Bombs Away -- The Brown Bomber
No Pain, No Gain -- The Painkiller

The Whiskey Queen

Who is the Whiskey Queen?  My lovely wife, aka Ms. Wulf Cocktail Den, aka the Den's operations chief, taste tester, and social media consultant.  The tradition of kicking the new year off with a new original creation continues.  My wife is a Whiskey Woman, Bourbon Babe, and Scotch Siren (I definitely would see superhero films with those characters).  She is particularly fond of bourbon and Scotch, so the Whiskey Queen incorporates both.

Whiskey Queen1.5 ounces bourbon
.75 ounces blended Scotch
.75 ounces Benedictine DOM
2 dashes peach bitters

Combine in a shaker with ice, stir with a true queen's combination of badass power and majestic grace, and strain into a chilled glass.

Use your favorite bourbon, but stay away from ones that are more than 100 proof.  The Whiskey Queen should be strong, not lethal.  Similarly, using a blended Scotch instead of a single malt Scotch will reduce the odds of the cocktail going the way of Anne Boleyn. As with a Royal Blood, don't use a smoky Scotch in a Whiskey Queen. The peach bitters and Benedictine DOM, a liqueur used in drinks such as the Brainstorm and the Monte Carlo, balance the whiskies. Don't let the herbal sweetness fool you. Benedictine DOM's alcohol content makes it almost as strong as bourbon or Scotch.

Whether your taste runs towards queens of the Elizabeth II variety or the Freddie Mercury variety (get it?), the Whiskey Queen is a tribute to the queen or king in your life. Celebrate their Majesty!


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Chuck Hall

I need to try this! All hail the Queen!

Wulf Cocktail Den

Yes, you need to try this. I'm sure you'll love it!

Armando Lopez

Great drink!
My guest love it here st the doubletree hotel

Wulf Cocktail Den

I'm delighted to see you like it. Thanks for sharing it with your guests! At which Doubletree do you create drinks? I might have to drop in if I'm in the area.

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