A Cocktail With Counsel -- The Attorney Client Privilege
The Other Sweet Science -- Pugilecello

Got Intense? -- Putting My Money Where My Liver Is

I got Intense.  Barrow's Intense.  Barrow's Intense is an excellent ginger liqueur that lives up to its name and multiple awards.  I fell in love with the product when I first went to the Tales of the Cocktail conference in New Orleans in 2014.  During that conference I had the privilege of speaking with the founder and some of the Intense team.  They are good people, and meeting them at the bar of the Bombay Club was a memorable experience.

Barrow's IntenseCourtesy of its Wefunder campaign, I recently moved from the realm of passionate consumer and advocate of Barrow's Intense to the realm of investor. I'm certainly no Warren Buffett (or Gordon Gekko, if you prefer a cinematic investor reference), as Wefunder is designed for small investors, i.e. regular people.  Given my very positive experiences with the people and product, I relished the chance to become a part of Barrow's Intense.

What cocktails use Barrow's Intense?  How about the Intense Ginger Lime Martini, the Intense Ginger Sidecar, and the Intense Ginger Sutra (when I published these posts I was not an investor)?.  For other ideas go to the Barrow's Intense website.

Thinking about getting Intense?  Here's the three step process I used: (1) try Barrow's Intense (if you can't buy it at your local liquor store you can buy it online), (2) thoroughly read the pitch deck on Wefunder, and (3) invest.  If you don't want to go through with steps two and three, simply go with step one.  I'm fine either way.  After all, I'm Intense!


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